Sunday, November 16, 2008


I remember one of my friend sent me a msg..The message stated that don't expect anything from life. Expectation hurts.When you don't expect, every moment is surprise and surprise bring happiness. I totally agree with it.. Sometimes we expect too much from someone in our life.when the things turned to be something different with what we expected, we will get disappointed and we will going to be unhappy with it. I remember a friend of mine promise me to treat me an ice cream to thank me for giving advise. I really didn't expect that he really going to treat me ice cream. After few months, surprisingly,he did really bring me the ice cream. It's really out of my expectation. This is not because of i don't believe that person, but i just don't want to expect too much from a person which might lead me to disappointed.. Anyway, thanks for your promise. I appreaciate that.Some of them might think it nothing much but just an ice cream, but for me at least i can feel that the promise is really exist.The believe of the existing of promise is growing in my heart. ^_^


Mel said...

I want ice cream too =)

Footprint in my life said...

Treat you next time then :)