Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Who really knows about you?

I came across the post "Who really knows you" in one of my RC friends' blogs. I agree with him that noone will know the real about us even our parents, closed one, friends or teachers.If we never speak out our perspectives of view or feeling, who will know what exactly we are thinking in our mind? Sometimes, we keep on complaining why there is noone that can understand us. Instead of complaining, why don't ask yourself whether you have tried to tell out your feeling and opinion? It's true that action speaks more than words but mostly people don't really get the meaning or understanding ur feeling without speaking out your mind. Noone can really understand until we start telling.

So i would like to tell out my family, my friends and my pet that i love you very much. Life is full of colours because of you all. *Cheers* =) I really appreciate all of you.

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