Monday, May 14, 2007

University life in 1st year

In the blinking of eyes, the time past very fast. It's just as fast as lightning. It had been a year i transfer and continue my degree studies of BEng Hons Electronics in MMU Cyberjaya Campus.. Life here was totally dull and bored. Lack of entertainments, games, fun and food here really made me suffered. How am i going to strive hard to remain survive overe here? I really miss my friends and family who are in Batu Gajah during this period. Truly and deeply miss them everyday in my life except when i was busy with my works.. Hehe. My attitude had been changed with time.. The rate of changing is insensible.. Sometimes, i do think of I'm a selfish person in certain situation.. Is there any justice and fairness in the world? With justice and fairness, there will no selfishness in this world too.. I being selfish in order to survive? What reason will it be? I also no idea with it? But i guarantee that i'm not a fair-weather friend if you are sincerely about me. No pain, no gain..Oops, it seem like i use the wrong phase in such situation. Frankly speaking, I really miss my friends although i had said that i had been totally put it down. Wanting to put it down but due to the reluctance of the heart, it really hard for me to forget about that friendship that had built for years. The memories are too vivid in my mind. I kept complain that my life is too bored and dreary, but when i reviewed it i do realise that life is painted with colours by ourself but not waiting others to paint it for you.. GANBATTE! I know you can do well in your life.. Believe in miracle, Sook Ching.. ^_6

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