Saturday, December 1, 2007

In the blinking of eyes, it's almost 3 years i have been studying in Multimedia University. Time did pass extremely fast. Sometimes really wish the time will just stop at the moment where i wish to be forever. When i saw this little snow man ( the pic at the left coner)smiling at me, someone will appear in my mind.I know this person since 4 years ago, but i just met him once before during 2005 Chirtmas. In my mind, he is a really nice, friendly, caring person that who always support and encourage me. Besides, he really a good listener of mine when i was moody. Although this happened two years ago, but it will be my memory forever. Thanks for your care. I sincerely wish that happiness will be always be with you.. Thanks for your Chirtmas present. Wish there be a chance to meet you again but i know it's impossible coz it seem like we are just stranger rather than friend. Who knows? God will know about it. It's so called " FATE".